M-PESA to Unregistered Numbers

Effective February 5th, 2024, we are streamlining M-PESA money transfers to provide a more secure and convenient experience for everyone.

This means you will no longer be able to send funds to unregistered mobile money users on the Safaricom, Airtel and Telkom networks.

Previously, unregistered mobile money users would receive a voucher message via SMS that had to be redeemed at an M-PESA Agent within 7 days of receipt of the voucher. This will no longer be the case.

• Improved User Experience: We're eliminating the voucher system, which often led to confusion and inconvenience with expiring vouchers and redemption difficulties.

• Enhanced Security: Aligning with Central Bank of Kenya regulations strengthens the security of your transactions, ensuring peace of mind for all users.

• Send and receive money seamlessly if you are a registered M-PESA, Airtel Money and T-Kash user.

• Enjoy all your favorite M-PESA services through *334#, SIM Toolkit, M-PESA App, and MySafaricom App.

Redeem it at any M-PESA Agent by 13th February 2024. After that, vouchers expire, and funds return to the sender.

You will receive a notification that the recipient of money is not registered for mobile money and the transaction will fail.

You can verify by checking if you have the M-PESA menu on your SIM card. If you have been or are able to use all the M-PESA services both for sending or receiving mobile money, you are registered!

Safaricom customers can visit a Safaricom Shop or M-PESA Agent with their Identification Document (ID). For those redeeming their vouchers, as you withdraw cash with our agents you can register for M-PESA services.

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