Safaricom Foundation Supports Schools In Kisii And Nyamira Counties With Science Labs

Safaricom Foundation has handed over three science laboratories in Riokindo Girls and Boys Secondary Schools in Kisii County and Tombe Girls High School in Nyamira.

The three science laboratories constructed and equipped at a cost of KES 12 million were officially opened by Dr Fred Matiang'i, Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government.

“The Government is committed to ensuring that students receive much needed practical experience while in school, especially in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We welcome the support given from the private sector to achieve this and thank Safaricom Foundation for investing in these three schools”, said Dr Matiang’i

The Foundation invested KES 9.6 million in constructing and equipping the laboratories in Tombe Girls High School and Riokindo Boys Secondary School. An additional KES 2.4 million was spent in renovating the laboratory at Riokindo Girls Secondary School.

“We believe that all students have a right to quality education, which is attained by ensuring that schools are well equipped with the necessary infrastructure to support conducive learning. That is why we continue to invest heavily in education and the construction and equipping of these three laboratories is a testament to this commitment”, said Steve Chege, Trustee, Safaricom Foundation.

“The labs will enable students to interact directly with data they come across in theory classes and get a first-hand learning experience by performing different experiments on their own. They will also make use of the models and understand the different scientific concepts and theories much better”, said Chege

The science laboratories will provide much needed space for the students to experiment and innovate instead of only learning theory in line with the science subjects of their choice.

Students in the three schools had previously struggled due to lack of proper science laboratories and equipment to cater for the ever-increasing numbers.   

Safaricom has been keen to invest in Science and through its youth platform BLAZE, has partnered with Young Scientists Kenya since 2018 to deliver an outreach and mentorship programme that seeks to promote uptake of STEM amongst high school students. Through the programme, young people across the country are provided a platform to showcase their scientific talents with the aim of spurring innovation that seeks to provide sustainable solutions to societal challenges.

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