
Who are our customers?

We are delighted to be able to report that we have grown to 23.4 million customers in total this year, which represents an increase of 8.3% from the previous year. Our broad customer base encompasses the full spectrum of individuals and organisations across Kenya. We offer voice, data and financial (mobile money) products and services to both consumer and enterprise customers. Consumer customers are individual purchasers of goods and services while enterprise clientele are business of all sizes, ranging from small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to large corporate firms. Each type of customer is managed by its own Business Unit; namely, the Consumer Business Unit (CBU) and the Enterprise Business Unit (EBU).

Of our total customer base, 99% are consumer customers. Consumer customers grew by 1.78 million during the year and we now enjoy 67.1% of the total Kenyan market in the consumer space. This 8% growth in consumer customers during the year was driven by our compelling voice, data and SMS propositions as well as our commitment to providing unmatched customer experience at all of our customer touch points.

Enterprise customers
We have two customer segments in our Enterprise Business Unit: SMEs and corporate clients. We currently have a presence in 67,925 enterprise customers, which represents an increase of 91% from the previous year. This growth is attributable to our significant acquisitions in the SME segment. Recognising that the needs of an SME client are vastly different to those of a corporate client, we formed a separate department focusing solely on SME clients and developing a SME-centric product portfolio in FY15.

While the SME segment has seen great growth, our corporate customers account for 85% of enterprise business revenue. Our market share of customers in the corporate space is 99% and our focus remains on nurturing long-term relationships and up/cross-selling in this market segment. We are delighted to report that we exceeded our target for the year and now enjoy 49% market share in terms of revenue in the enterprise space.

Number of consumer customers

no of consumer customers

Market share
(% consumer subscribers)

market share



Focus areas for the year ahead

In recognition of the fact that we have become detached from our customers, we will launch our new business strategy in FY16 that focuses on putting the customer first. Some of the strategic initiatives that will affect the CBU include:

  • Daily calls with the CEO, Technology Directors and the Customer Care teams to discuss and resolve the most
    pressing customer issues.
  • Increased focus on assessing product suitability for customers based on feedback from the call center and on-the-ground agents. In other words, using the insight gleaned from customer queries to inform product and service development in more proactive ways.
  • The CBU will also look into either hosting or joining customer events to receive feedback and exchange ideas.

From an operational perspective, the CBU will continue to expand and upgrade the digital and self-service channels available to customers. The first phase of the IVR system upgrade is already complete and the second phase, which will embed even more intelligence into the system, will begin in FY 16. A new social media app for customers will also be launched during the year.
Enterprise customers

Overall, our EBU target for FY16 will be to grow our market share to 54%. We aim to achieve this by intensifying our efforts to grow the SME base while nurturing our relationships with corporate customers further. We are also planning to complete our PEP Training, ensuring that all of our contractors have been trained on all four pillars. We will also scale up our internal monitoring during FY16 to reflect the expanding NPS metrics to cover acquisition focused indicators (in addition to the existing retention metrics). We will also extend our Legendary Experience Awards to include partners. Lastly, we will sustain and seek to grow the scope of Project Delight.