Our Solutions

IP transit

We offer carrier- grade IP transit services to telecom operators, internet service providers and content players on converged IP backbone with regional and global coverage.

  • For Your Customers- IP Transit
  • For your business- IP Transit
  • Product Options -IP Transit

  • Low latencies for both local and international IPT.
  • Access to domestic and international IXPs.
  • Reliable and quality internet connection, i.e. high availability.
  • IP restoration arrangements via different cables.
  • Worldwide access points enabling reach for regional and international needs.
  • Support for IPv4/ IPv6 Dual Stack and allows seamless migration to IPv6.

  • Upstream providers include TATA, EMIX and Level3.
  • Content peering with Google, Akamai and Microsoft.
  • KIXP connection for local connectivity.
  • On-net service at Smart hub in Fujairah.
  • Redundant topology to guarantee business availability. Ability to scale to meet growing carrier needs.
  • Protected IP services.
  • IP addresses and DNS service available.
  • Online portal for analyzing utilization and graph customer usage.

  • IP transit at our on-net pops: both Local and International IXPs. i.e. Nairobi, Mombasa, Malaba, Nandapal, Namanga, Moyale, Mandera, and in London, Mumbai & Fujairah.
  • EoSDH, IP levels of STM-1, STM-4, STM-16 and STM-64 bandwidth capacity.
  • Access to global IP/MPLS POPs via partners.

International Voice

International Voice

We have established extensive partnerships with majority of mobile operators. Through these relation...

Leased capacities
Our Solutions:

Leased capacities

Get leased circuits that are end to end managed bandwidth services that provide customers with dedic...

Our Solutions:


Automatically make and receive telephone calls, data, or access other services while travelling outs...

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